Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Be Holy because I am Holy by Leslie Ramirez

Today's post is from my good friend, Leslie Ramirez

My daughter, Ginger, came home from her day care yesterday and while we were playing in the back yard, laughing and dancing she stopped and whispered “I hate you”.  I was shocked for a second but then realized that she had heard that some where and was trying it out to see what response she would get.  I told her that we did not use the word hate and that it could hurt people’s feelings.  She proceeded to tell me that she hated me a few more times getting bolder as she went.  I was firm and consistent in my response because in our family we are going to treat each other with love and respect.  I expect certain actions and behaviors from my children.  In the same way God expects certain actions and behaviors from us, His children.

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. For it is written “Be Holy because I am Holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16

 You might think well I can’t be holy.  I am not God, how could He expect this of me.  Ginger is not fully mature in fact she just turned three.  I am not going to throw her out of my family because she does not always treat others with love and respect but I do expect her to learn and work towards these actions and behaviors.  

God made us in His likeness so He has every right to come to us and ask us to be holy because He is Holy.  (Genesis 1:26)  He knows us and has given us instructions on how to live a holy life in through His Word.  He has also given us the Holy Spirit to dwell on the inside of us and help guide us in life.  (1 Corn 3:16) 

 As described a few verses up in 1 Peter 1:13 we are reminded that God gave us Grace when we accepted Jesus Christ.  This Grace is enough to strengthen us to be able to resist temptation and to be holy as it is written.  Each of us has temptation in our lives and it is different for us all.  Remember God is not a party pooper. He does not want us to live in a box but in freedom.  He wants to chain up what is holding us in bondage so we can walk freely.  He wants to help us right where we need it.  

I encourage you to come to Him, lay your weakness down at His feet and give it to Him.  Then ask Him for the strength that you need to not pick it back up.  Train your mind to stop those thoughts the moment they come into your mind.  The faster you stop them the better.  Turn your mind to whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Phil 4:8

God loves you and He made you in His likeness.  You are God’s princess just as Ginger is my little princess and will always be.  Walk with your head held up high because you are beautiful and God has great things planned for your life.  Be holy because He is holy!

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