What do you think- should social values be treated like tired athletes or overused cliché’s or even passing fads? Does a particular value produce better results than another forever or do they just fade while waiting for something better to emerge?
Leviticus 27:14 New King James Version
‘And when a man dedicates his house to be holy to the Lord, then the priest shall set a value for it, whether it is good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall stand.
Notice, Jesus Christ (the High Priest) establishes the value of your house, but the dedication to those values is on us. When you dedicate (or consecrate) some thing, you are saying this thing is separated from what is common for a higher purpose. It will never be used for anything less than its higher purpose. It is purified for devotion or offering to God. Trust me, you want your house devoted to God’s values!
Familialism is a social value that finds its beginning in the Genesis account. In the context of chapter two, God had already created the first male and then creates the first female. God introduces the two, Adam calls her woman and God then unites them by saying a man shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.
Unity is the first value established in our homes- for better or worse, good times or bad. We face challenges together and walk towards the mess to clean it up… together. Not blame one another or criticize one another, but rather function as “heirs together of the grace of life”.
1 Peter 3:7 goes on to say that you are heirs together of the grace of life so your prayers won’t be hindered.
If you are angry with your partner and you don’t resolve the conflict- don’t even bother praying. God’s not listening. Any request you mail to heaven will be returned the same way, “resolve the conflict first”. Discord creates an obstruction between heaven and earth that must be dealt with here. Besides, making up can be fun!
When you are happy with your spouse- your unity invites Jesus into your family’s pursuits. Anything less allows discord and separation and failure. But when you dedicate your house to be holy and contend for unity- the value of your house is declared as good. Forever.
The unity of your household is the responsibility of the husband…AND the wife. You work in your house, together. You dream in your house, together. You experience the reward of a unified house, together.
What God has joined together is blessed forever.
A weekly blog by G. Shawn Scarborough, Pastor of Livingstone Church.
Leviticus 27:14 New King James Version
‘And when a man dedicates his house to be holy to the Lord, then the priest shall set a value for it, whether it is good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall stand.
Notice, Jesus Christ (the High Priest) establishes the value of your house, but the dedication to those values is on us. When you dedicate (or consecrate) some thing, you are saying this thing is separated from what is common for a higher purpose. It will never be used for anything less than its higher purpose. It is purified for devotion or offering to God. Trust me, you want your house devoted to God’s values!
Familialism is a social value that finds its beginning in the Genesis account. In the context of chapter two, God had already created the first male and then creates the first female. God introduces the two, Adam calls her woman and God then unites them by saying a man shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.
Unity is the first value established in our homes- for better or worse, good times or bad. We face challenges together and walk towards the mess to clean it up… together. Not blame one another or criticize one another, but rather function as “heirs together of the grace of life”.
Do you like having your prayers answered?
If you are angry with your partner and you don’t resolve the conflict- don’t even bother praying. God’s not listening. Any request you mail to heaven will be returned the same way, “resolve the conflict first”. Discord creates an obstruction between heaven and earth that must be dealt with here. Besides, making up can be fun!
When you are happy with your spouse- your unity invites Jesus into your family’s pursuits. Anything less allows discord and separation and failure. But when you dedicate your house to be holy and contend for unity- the value of your house is declared as good. Forever.
Now- whose responsibility is this?
What God has joined together is blessed forever.
A weekly blog by G. Shawn Scarborough, Pastor of Livingstone Church.
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