Sunday, December 30, 2012

Trusting God by Colleen Mains

I am honored to share something with you today that was written by a true hero of the faith, Colleen Mains. She is a sweet spirited woman of God who has faithfully served God and His people through the good, bad, and the ugly. Today she courageously shares a bit of her journey with us. Be encouraged and learn to trust God more each day.

“Total surrender to the unannounced will of God”. (Charles Stanley, How to Handle Adversity)  Wow.  This is what it means to say “Thy will be done” & truly mean it.  This sentence can mean a lot of different things, but to me it is totally a statement of trust.  The journey that God set me on a year & a half ago has so been about trust.  I’m not a personality that exercises faith & trust very easily.  Some of that is because of hurtful experiences & some of it is just simply personality – I like the details & things need to make sense to me.  However, when I got the diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma & was told the only treatment was to remove the entire right side of my pelvis with the tumor & amputate my right leg, it didn’t matter how many details the doctor gave me……nothing made sense to me.  After the initial shock & tears & hugs, there were two words that kept going through my mind:  trust me.  I felt very strongly that God was telling me to trust Him & I realized at that moment that if I couldn’t trust God in this horrible situation, then I couldn’t trust Him about anything in my Christian life.  If I couldn’t trust Him when He was saying that His grace is sufficient (2 Cor 12:9) & that He will use this for good (Rom 8:28) & for His glory (John 11:4), than how could I trust Him when he said that He gave His son for me, that He loves me & has forgiven me? (John 3:16)  God says all of these things in His word, the Bible.  And God’s Word is always truth, so I can’t pick & choose which things to believe. Either I trust God & His Word or I don’t.  I am choosing to trust Him.  It’s a daily – sometimes hourly – choice.  Everyday I must make the choice to surrender my feelings & pain & circumstances in order to be a vessel that God can use to fulfill His purpose & will for my life.  I know that God has a purpose for healing my cancer in this way, instead of by a divine miracle.  I know that it is to bring Him glory, but I don’t know the specifics of how (hence, the “unannounced” part).  I may never know much of how God uses my story, but He gives me glimpses now & then.  Even though they have not yet come into relationship with God, I have seen family members soften to the things of God through conversations about my story.  And, I have learned that when it says in Romans 8:28 that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”, it’s talking about what God considers “good”, not what we consider “good”.  I would have considered being divinely healed & keeping my leg to be good. But, through this experience I have grown in faith & trust, my relationship with God has been strengthened, & I have had opportunity to share about God’s goodness with others – and that is what God considers good. And, after all, what God considers good is really the best kind of good!  I certainly have a long way to go as far as total surrender, but each time that I make that choice to surrender, God has proven Himself trustworthy.    
How about you?  Are you picking & choosing which things to trust God with?  Let me encourage you to make the choice to totally surrender to the announced will of God…’s not easy but so worth it!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's been a crazy few weeks so I have not had a chance to write but am hoping to get back on track soon as ideas are piling up! Until then, I wanted to share a post I read today from the pastor of a new church in Colorado. I have shared his blog before. I love his heart. Single or married, there are take aways for all of us. Enjoy...

What do you think- should social values be treated like tired athletes or overused cliché’s or even passing fads? Does a particular value produce better results than another forever or do they just fade while waiting for something better to emerge?

Leviticus 27:14           New King James Version
‘And when a man dedicates his house to be holy to the Lord, then the priest shall set a value for it, whether it is good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall stand.

Notice, Jesus Christ (the High Priest) establishes the value of your house, but the dedication to those values is on us. When you dedicate (or consecrate) some thing, you are saying this thing is separated from what is common for a higher purpose. It will never be used for anything less than its higher purpose. It is purified for devotion or offering to God. Trust me, you want your house devoted to God’s values!

Familialism is a social value that finds its beginning in the Genesis account. In the context of chapter two, God had already created the first male and then creates the first female. God introduces the two, Adam calls her woman and God then unites them by saying a man shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.

Unity is the first value established in our homes- for better or worse, good times or bad. We face challenges together and walk towards the mess to clean it up… together. Not blame one another or criticize one another, but rather function as “heirs together of the grace of life”.

Do you like having your prayers answered?

1 Peter 3:7 goes on to say that you are heirs together of the grace of life so your prayers won’t be hindered.

If you are angry with your partner and you don’t resolve the conflict- don’t even bother praying. God’s not listening. Any request you mail to heaven will be returned the same way, “resolve the conflict first”. Discord creates an obstruction between heaven and earth that must be dealt with here. Besides, making up can be fun!

When you are happy with your spouse- your unity invites Jesus into your family’s pursuits. Anything less allows discord and separation and failure. But when you dedicate your house to be holy and contend for unity- the value of your house is declared as good. Forever.

Now- whose responsibility is this?

The unity of your household is the responsibility of the husband…AND the wife. You work in your house, together.  You dream in your house, together. You experience the reward of a unified house, together.
What God has joined together is blessed forever.

A weekly blog by G. Shawn Scarborough, Pastor of Livingstone Church.

Friday, September 14, 2012

TGIF by Paula Roach

TGIF- Thank God it's Friday!

It's a nice concept and cliche little phrase that we all identify with but do we literally take time out to truly thank Him for the weekend? Better yet, do we stop to thank Him for His goodness, for His Glory and to simply recognize Him as God?

Did you know that when we do not stop to be thankful, we put ourselves in position to enter a downward spiral of sin? Now, I am no theologian, but God spoke this truth into my heart years ago while reading from Romans 1. In verses 22-30 I read this list of sins.

godless in their thinking
sexual impurity
dishonoring their bodies
vile affections
degrading passions
inventors of new forms of evil
loathsome acts

None of this is pretty! I mean MURDER, HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONS, INVENTORS OF NEW FORMS OF EVIL, this is pretty bad stuff! But, what's that have to do with us. I mean, that's pretty obvious black and white, things we would never do... but let's not leave out the other shades of gray! Let's read further.

Verses 28 -31 go on to say, "until they were filled with every kind of unrighteousness, iniquity, grasping and covetous greed, and malice. They were full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and treacher, ill willl and cruel ways, secret backbiters and gossipers. Slanderers, hateful to and hating God, full of insolence, arrogance and boasting, inventors of new forms of evil, disobedient and undutiful to parents. Without understanding, conscienceless and faithless, heartless and loveless and merciless.

So, boasting, arrogance, gossip, envy, backbiting... maybe we can identify with some of these a little more closely. These "lighter shades of gray" we tend to rationalize as "not as bad" but verse 32 says that "those who do such things (and approve and applaud others for them) deserve to die."

Thank God for Jesus and the cross, for His grace that saves us from such punishment. No, literally, STOP and thank Him Now. For sentiment alone is not enough! You see, they "knew and recognized" but did not take that next step to actually give thanks and glory. The crazy thing is, if you look back at verse 21 you see that the downward spiral of sin all started with this one simple thing. It says "because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honor and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks...and their senseless minds were darkened." (To all different Shades of gray from murder and homosexuality to deceit and gossip!)

In this passage we see that this recognition without honor lead to a downward spiral of spiritual rebellion and moral corruption. (It is as if when we neglect to give thanks we slowly forget who deserves the credit. We allow selfishness and pride to creep in to the point that it becomes "all about me", and the downward spiral begins.) Neglegence of this one simple act opened their hearts to all types of shameful, ungodly desires and sexual impurity.

You see, most of us "know and recognize Him as God" too. The scary part lies in the fact that in the busyness of our lives we neglect to stop and take time to glorify Him and thank Him for who He is and for what He has done in us, for us, and through us.

Today, as you Thank God it's Friday, take time to STOP. Take a time out and truly give Him thanks, not just for the weekend but for His goodness, glory, and provision in our lives. And, can we purpose in our hearts to do this NOT just on Fridays, but every day and all through out the day? May it be the anthem of our lives to give thanks and glory to God in action and in words!

He IS Worthy!

P.S. It is my prayer that from now on, every time we say or hear TGIF, it will be a nice little reminder to STOP and give God Glory and thanks! Happy Weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just a Little Hint by Paula Roach

Before Christmas and birthdays or before a surprise it is not uncommon for the kiddo's to want to guess what the surprise or gift is. They ask for "just a little hint". They want me to give little clues that will lead to disclosure of the present. As if just a little hint is more acceptable than a big hint. Or if it is just a little hint it won't ruin the surprise. But, if I give them a hint, big or small, it often leads to more requests for more hints and the guessing continues until they can determine what the gift is. Now in this case, no harm done except perhaps losing the element of surprise.

The word "hint" could also refer to a "perceived indication" or "slight or hardly noticeable amount".

A hint of sophistication.
A hint of flavor.
A hint of spring in the air.
Whether a small hint or a large hint, regardless of which definition you look at, a hint implies there is still evidence of that thing in it.

White, with a hint of black, is gray. Depending on how much black you put in the white, depends on the shade of gray. There may be 50 shades of grey but "all grey has a little black in it." Steve Greene

Or in other words, "In God's economy there is not 50 Shades of Grey. There's black and there's white, there's wrong and there's right." Craig Groeschel
Ephesians 5:3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.

Not even a HINT!

So what could a hint of sexual immorality look like?   Craig Groeschel gave a few examples:
-looking at porn
-lusting after ____ (you fill in the blank)
-dressing provocatively
-dirty dancing
-reading the likes of 50 Shades of Grey (Yes, he named it, not me:))

These are just a a few outward examples of "hints" of sexual impurity in us but the list goes on... and for many of us often in much more subtle displays. Perhaps the hint of "any kind of impurity" looks more like a questionable tv show, attitude, or conversation?
Remember, even a small hint can spoil the whole surprise. So, what do we do about it?

STAY far from it. Don't even go NEAR it. (Proverbs 5:8)
FLEE from it. (1 Corinthians 6:18)
PUT TO DEATH... ,(A) therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature:(B) sexual immorality,(C) impurity, lust, evil desires and greed,(D) which is idolatry.(ECollosians 3:5

Take some time this weekend to ask God to make clear to you the areas where you have allowed even "hints" of impurity to creep into your life. Spend time praying for strength, wisdom, and accountability to steer clear, flee and put to death each of these areas. Share your plan with a friend who can help you and move forward in purity, able to experience the beautiful gift of abundant living.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Purity - From this Day Forward

A friend of mine sent me this link. Whether married or single, this message is for all of us who desire to live lives of purity. So I encourage you to carve out about 45 minutes in the next few days. Grab a cup of coffee, pen and note pad. If nothing else, record the many scriptures he uses and make them a part of your purity study and prayer focus.

From This Day Forward

Friday, August 31, 2012

Follow God from Livingstone Church

I read this the other day and wanted to share it with each of you. What an honor it is to follow God. Have a great Labor Day weekend.

Following God

Posted by  -  - General
Hebrews 12
This is the chapter of Hebrews that gets ignored quite often by those of a more hyper-faith or hyper-grace persuasion and emphasized by those who need comfort in what has become a miserable life. I don’t know that I would invoke the word balance here but at the very least I do think this passage should be given everyone’s audience.
The abstract is this: we must be willing to receive correction to our course if we want our course to take us to our desired eternity.
Verse 2: looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
There is a comparison to be made between the life we live and the life lived by Jesus. Make no mistake, the consequences of our sin that Jesus endured (and despised) is not for us to endure, however- our association with the cross is necessary. This relationship is one in which we must receive the correction and instruction of the Father.
God is Holy, God is Good, God so loved…all true. But God is also an all-consuming fire that burns out (demands removal of) those things that so easily change our course from Him towards sin. Our acceptance of Jesus Christ does not absolve us from holiness. Our acceptance of Jesus Christ allows entrance into the throne (of grace) where we must be willing to hear and receive whatever comes from God’s throne. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father having fulfilled the necessary penalty for our sin. We don’t have to pay the penalty because Jesus already did. But our acceptance of what He did brings us to the place where we were intended to be- in a relationship with God.
In this place (relationship with God) we must endure what has sometimes been misunderstood. Jesus didn’t endure sickness (He endured stripes for our healing); Jesus didn’t endure confusion (He was chastised for peace). So, here is the deal- the chastisement of the Father toward us doesn’t involve receiving what Jesus did not but rather a conversation. This conversation may ask us to give up habits or treat others with equality or change or ignore certain ambitions. This conversation may also push us to achieve what we don’t think we can or do what seems impossible. Following God is intense.
There is a tension that exists in the Christian between associating our salvation with the sacrifice of Christ (grace) and associating ourselves with following Christ (sanctification). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that allows us to realize we have been restored to God. He did what we couldn’t. But the good news simply starts the story. He did what we can’t, but He also did what we absolutely can. When we understand what we don’t have to endure we will find the greater purpose in what we must endure.
This is following God.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Paradise-Killers by Carrie Johnston

Today's post is from Carrie Johnston. She is an amazing woman of God, and has been since the first day I met her about 15 years ago when she was just a young lady in highschool. So proud to know you and blessed by the woman you have become!
You can continue to glean from her wisdom and passion for the Lord at

I’ve been thinking a lot lately of Eve in the garden. (Oh, Eve…the only woman I know who can claim she was ever naked and unashamed.)

Have you read this passage lately?...
Genesis 3:1-6 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.”  The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.”

My eight year son, Carter, recently lamented to me, “Mom, Eve ruined Paradise for EVERYONE.” Clearly he was feeling included in the everyone. He went on to imagine what would have happened if Eve had never sinned. Likely Carter’s vision of Paradise has something to do with all day video game marathons and gorging on whatever he wants to eat, but I digress.  I tried to reason with him that if not Eve, surely one of Eve’s kids or their kids would have been the Paradise-killer, but no, he was not to be dissuaded in his disgust over Eve’s poor choice.

I’ve come to realize that we can all stand in judgment over Eve or we can realize that Eve is a pretty good replica of the struggle that each of us women face.

What was Eve’s deal anyway? She had been blessed by God, filled with purpose, walked with God, was a recipient of the provision of God for her needs and, of course, she had been hand-delivered to her spouse. She had no “Jones’“ to keep up with, no one to compare herself to or compare her husbandagainstand never once had to complain about having nothing to wear. She was innocent to sin, living in blissful paradise. She lacked absolutely nothing. Eve proves that you can have the blessing of God on your life and still struggle with temptation and sin.

So she enters into conversation with a talking snake, and perhaps even that we could chalk up to naïve curiosityBut the snake very quickly gets her to doubt some foundational aspects of God’s character. He basically tells her that God is a liar, and she starts wondering if perhaps God has been holding out on herall along. The Bible tells us that when she SAW…she took it and ate it. She was deceived when the lies of the enemy were able to distort the truth that she knew, the very truth that God had already revealed to her. She rationalized, “What’s the big deal? It’s just fruit. It looks good. I bet it tastes good. This herechatty snake sure sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.What can it hurt?

Oh, Eve. I feel your struggle. I live your struggle. I can be myown worse Paradise-killer.
You see, the issue for Eve wasn’t the fruit itself…And it almost never is for us either. The fruit is about “another way”, a self-way, independence, doing what feels good or feels right at the time.
The flirtations, the gossip, the back-biting, the sarcasm, the rebellion, the over-eating, the anger, the passive-aggressive behavior, the fill-in-your-sin-of-choice-here, is so often about filling our FELT NEED in OUR OWN WAY. And each time we do we are biting into the fruit of self-will all over again. Like Eve there is so much to enjoy and yet we fixate on that which is just out of reach.

Eve, if we could go for coffee I could tell you all about how I know what it’s like to get the end of the tasty fruit and be left holding nothing but a dirty core in my hand. I know what it’s like to realize I need quite a few fig leaves to cover up my shame. I understand regret. I’ve done more than my fair share of hiding, hoping God would just stop seeking me out already.

And yet, there He comes, doesn’t He?

The absolutely scandalous news of the gospel is that God still comes after sinners, while we are standing there trying to cover ourselves with foliage, thinking that perhaps it might be enough. God shows us that it is only His blood that truly covers. In the garden, God killed an animal(s) for skins to cover Adam and Eve. This event foreshadows the death and resurrection of Christ which is the only thing able to cover up our sins today.
1 Corinthians 15:21-22  For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

A few brave questions to ask yourself today:
In what ways have you been “eating the forbidden fruit” and then trying to cover it up?
In what ways have you been listening to the lies of the enemy?
In what ways have you stopped listening to the truth of God for your life?
In what ways do you need to allow God to cover you again?

Friday, August 24, 2012

What's in a Name? by Paula Roach

Forgive me for being a little off subject today and for some rambling but I needed this one today and am being reminded of just how big God is and how powerful His name is...

What's in a Name

I remember a show we used to watch in my eighth grade language arts class called "What's in a Name?" Each episode featured a different name and the meanings. One day while watching the show, the featured name was none other than my own. "Paula means little." Wow! They could not have been more accurate. After all, I was small for my age. The funny thing is, though the reality of my size had never been a secret, in classic junior high fashion, the teasing began seconds after the show ended and suddenly, that is what I was known for.

Before that day, many may have known my name, but they did not know me. They may have learned the meaning of my name that day, but they did not know my personality. I may have been little, but those who knew me personally knew there was much more to Paula than that one word description.

Shy. Reliable. Silly. Compassionate... These are just a few other words to describe "Little" Paula for those who took the time to get to know me. :)

Some of those same students from my junior high Language Arts class were also in my high school classes. We knew eachother for years but the extent of our relationship was reduced to that story we heard about one another in the locker room or the Language Arts class or from some casual encounters we had throughout the years.

Sometime the same thing happens in our relationship with the Lord. We know Him for years but the depth of that relationship is often reduced to past experiences with Him. I personally go through seasons when I either pursue Him casually, or frankly not at all. Instead, I settle for what He is known for. I settle for what I have already experienced.

In Phil 3 Paul tells us that He made it his determined purpose to know Christ and become more like Him. This determination is coming from a man who had a pretty amazing and life changing encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus. Yet, he was not satisfied with that. He knew there was still so much more to know about Jesus. He did not settle for what he already had.

He wanted to know Jesus beyond just what people said about Him. He wanted to know Jesus beyond what he had already experienced. The amplified version says "to become more progressively and intimately acquainted with Him."  He wanted to find out everything about Jesus, to find out what's in His name.

The more we pursue Jesus this way we find that there is much more in His name than we could imagine.

In His name is healing.
In His name is hope.
In His name is Life.
In His name is Power... just to name a few!

I personally need all of these things in my life right now!

But there is more.

                 Do you need a friend? "He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24

Do you need a healer, either physically, mentally or emotionally? "He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3 "By His wounds we are healed." Is 53:5

Do you need comfort? "I, even I, am He who comforts you. Isaiah 51:12
Do you need a father? "By which we call Him Abba, Father" Romans 8:15

Provision? "God is my helper. The Lord is the provider of my life." Psalm 54:4

Strength? "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and is safe." Proverbs 18:10

Companionship? Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us to be strong and of good courage because He will never leave us or forsake us.

Jesus is all these things and more! But don't take my Word for it. Take His. Get in the Word. Seek Him on your own! You won't be disappointed. In fact, like Paul, the more you get to know Him, the more you will want to know Him! As we face our day, we do not face it alone. As we fight our personal battles, we do not fight alone. As we rejoice, we do not rejoice alone. We will never be without the perfect companion for the specific need we face. 

I am ready to move on from this season of casual pursuit to one of determined purpose!

I have provided a link to an oldy but a goody. The song, He Is by Aaron Geoffry. I encourage you to click on this link. As you listen, take a moment to imagine that battle you face and a growing army surrounding you, fighting for you. With each mention of who He Is, imagine that person of Jesus joining the army in front of you. Behind you. Each side of you.

Or perhaps there is no battle right now except the determined purpose to get to know Him more. What part of His character have you not yet discovered? Call upon His name and let Him meet you there.

Don't let the weekend slip by without taking some time out to get to KNOW HIM better!

One more verse today, just because I love it:)

"Some trust in wagons and some in horses. But we will trust in the NAME of the Lord, our God. " Psalm 20:7

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"PITY PARTY BY THE POOL" by Millie Grams

Today's post is from Millie Grams, my step mom.
John 5:2-9...........The Man by the Pool of Bethesda
Quite often we look at this story as there are many people around us who are in need of our help, which is rightly so. However, I am going to take a different slant on this story.
Observation of Jerusalem:
....Jerusalem was a place of PEACE but there were multitudes who were not peaceful.
....Jerusalem was a place of BLESSING but there were people who were not blessed.
....Jerusalem iwas a place of HEALING and DELIVERANCE but there were people lying around in bondage.
....The name of the Pool of Bethesda translates to "house of mercy", yet people are there who have not received mercy, but rather are sick, blind, and lame.
This is the situation of many of us  today, who have proclaimed our belief in Jesus.
....we have been called to be children of God, but we insist on sitting beside the pool and are starving to death without making our move to possess what God has provided for us.
...we are in this place of mercy and deliverance but we still feel bound by our circumstances and environment.
...thought the Bible assures us that those who have been set free by Jesus are free indeed, many of us are still living blind, lame, and paralized lives. We have been lame in terms of being stuck in one place for a very long time (not a physical place but a spiritual place).
We are paralized from doing anything about our pitiful condition. In other words, we're having a "pity party by the pool" of our lives.
Verse 3:
..."in these lay a GREAT MULTITUDE of sick people, waiting for the moving of the water."...
...what are we waiting for?
...waiting for a great emotion to come over us so that we can be sure we are in the presence of God?
...waiting for our lives and health to change before we do anything for God?
...waiting for that "perfect" time to do something we are called to do?
many of us are not making any progress in life because we are waiting and having a "pity party by the pool" of our lives.
Verse 6:
"Soon another Feast came around and Jesus went back to Jerusalem".
Jesus had been in and around Jerusalem the majority of his ministry. I'm sure he must of observed the sick man many times before.
Did he just suddenly realize the man was not getting into the water?
Is it possible that he knew that at this monent in time the man seriously wanted to be healed ?
When Jesus saw him lying stretched out by the pool and knew how long he had been there, he asked, "Do you want to get well."? Jesus already knew the answer. Was he challenging the man to think and move for himself?
The man said, "I don't have anybody to put me in the pool. By the time I get there somebody else is already in."
I don't know about you but for me I think I would of figured out a way to get into that pool in those long 38 years!
Is it possible that in 38 years he could have figured out a way to get IN the pool?
Is it possible that in 38 years, he could have convinced someone to help him get into the pool?
Is it possible that in 38 years, the man was just too depressed to do anything about his situation?
Human nature hasn't changed much in all these years. Many of us do the same thing: We live useless, broken lives, talents wasting, fires quenched, dreams dashed because we don't do something about our situations.
Jesus didn't bend down and say, "Oh, you poor, poor man. How aweful you have been here for 38 years and not able to get into the pool." He didn't judge the man, he didn't condemn the man. He just got right to the issue and said, "GET UP, take your bed and walk away." The man was healed instantly, got up, rolled his bedroll, and walked away.
I don't know "WHY" it took him 38 years to receive his healing, but I do know this:
Jesus is wanting US to stop having a "pity party by the pool" of our lives and GET UP the best way we know how and get on with our lives? There are a multitude of problems in our lives that could knock us under every single day. We have family issues, financial issues, church issues, illnesses, diseases, trials, tribulations...the list goes on and on.Are we going to just sit there and pity ourselves and do nothing? Or are we going to rise up and walk away from our pity party!
Jesus says in John 10:10, "The thief cometh to kill, steal, and destroy, BUT, I've come that they might have life and that they may have it MORE ABUNDANTLY"....that doesn't sound like a "pity party by the pool" to me. God wants to bless our lives, fill us to overflowing, heal our mind, body, and soul.
Are you ready to stop having a "pity party by the pool"?
PERSONAL TESTIMONY: While living in California, I was struck down with a horrific flareup of Fibromyalgia. To the point where I was almost completely bedridden for weeks. After about two weeks, I started feeling sorry for myself. I was unable to get out of bed without great pain and needed help most of the time. I crawled to the bathroom because the pain was so intense I couldn't stand up straight. Getting down the long hall to the kitchen area was almost impossible without horrific pain and effort. Pain and muscle spasms were my continual companions. It never let up 24/7 week after week.
One day, while lying in bed crying out to God, I begin to tell him what was on my heart. I told him I had nothing to give. How could I do anything for him while in this situation? I had always been on the go and doing for others. I was extremely active in our local church and being a caregiver, I found myself needing a caregiver. While my husband Phil worked 8-10 hours a day, I was alone with my pain and my pity party, and my dog!
As I was telling God all the things I couldn't do, he spoke almost audibly to me: "What do you have around you."? At first, I was puzzled and wasn't sure what he meant...he repeated the question to my soul several times before I got it! I began to look around my bed and my bedroom. Sitting on the nightstand was a telephone, a tablet of writing paper, a pen. On my bed, I had my laptop and my cell phone. He spoke again, "You're not can contact people by these four things. I realized I could call visitors, could email people who needed encouragement as much or more than I did. And, I could write letters! Suddenly, my "pity party by the pool" was over. I called the church and told them I wanted names, phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses of people who had visited our church, those who were sick,etc. Lying flat on my back, I began to do these things. No longer feeling sorry for myself I was energized to get busy. I still was in pain, couldn't get up without great effort and pain, but my attitude had changed! No one knew I was in my PJ's and lying in bed!!!
Are YOU ready to stop having your own"pity party by the pool"?
Start moving, even if it's baby steps or if you have to crawl....get to the edge of the pool of healing and God will move in your life! I promise!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Be Holy because I am Holy by Leslie Ramirez

Today's post is from my good friend, Leslie Ramirez

My daughter, Ginger, came home from her day care yesterday and while we were playing in the back yard, laughing and dancing she stopped and whispered “I hate you”.  I was shocked for a second but then realized that she had heard that some where and was trying it out to see what response she would get.  I told her that we did not use the word hate and that it could hurt people’s feelings.  She proceeded to tell me that she hated me a few more times getting bolder as she went.  I was firm and consistent in my response because in our family we are going to treat each other with love and respect.  I expect certain actions and behaviors from my children.  In the same way God expects certain actions and behaviors from us, His children.

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. For it is written “Be Holy because I am Holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16

 You might think well I can’t be holy.  I am not God, how could He expect this of me.  Ginger is not fully mature in fact she just turned three.  I am not going to throw her out of my family because she does not always treat others with love and respect but I do expect her to learn and work towards these actions and behaviors.  

God made us in His likeness so He has every right to come to us and ask us to be holy because He is Holy.  (Genesis 1:26)  He knows us and has given us instructions on how to live a holy life in through His Word.  He has also given us the Holy Spirit to dwell on the inside of us and help guide us in life.  (1 Corn 3:16) 

 As described a few verses up in 1 Peter 1:13 we are reminded that God gave us Grace when we accepted Jesus Christ.  This Grace is enough to strengthen us to be able to resist temptation and to be holy as it is written.  Each of us has temptation in our lives and it is different for us all.  Remember God is not a party pooper. He does not want us to live in a box but in freedom.  He wants to chain up what is holding us in bondage so we can walk freely.  He wants to help us right where we need it.  

I encourage you to come to Him, lay your weakness down at His feet and give it to Him.  Then ask Him for the strength that you need to not pick it back up.  Train your mind to stop those thoughts the moment they come into your mind.  The faster you stop them the better.  Turn your mind to whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Phil 4:8

God loves you and He made you in His likeness.  You are God’s princess just as Ginger is my little princess and will always be.  Walk with your head held up high because you are beautiful and God has great things planned for your life.  Be holy because He is holy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

THE GRAHAM CARD by Sarah Powers

graham mom.JPGToday's post is from my amazing friend, Sarah.
Recently, I planned a surprise party for my husband’s 40th birthday. Since he married me and knew what I was capable of, I was given stern warnings about spending money on his behalf. I told him to quit being so humble and let me do the planning. The basis of the "cover up" was that we would be taking a much needed trip just the two of us. But my real plan was to have a surprise party with lots of his friends and family. About 2 months prior to the party, I ran into a problem.

How am I going to pay for this event without him knowing? This guy handles money and investments for a living. He micro-manages me in all areas of my spending, AND HE WOULD NEVER AGREE TO LET ME SPEND A DIME ON HIM FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. I knew where the money would come from, but I just couldn’t get it into my possession without telling him. Since I am so bright, I decided to open up a secret credit card. When I filled out the application for my card, I thought it was a neat little option to upload a picture to personalize the card. I knew just the picture I would use. My honoree and handsome son Graham’s baby picture was uploaded successfully, and I anxiously awaited my secret credit card in the mail.
Now I have another problem. We live in a community where our mailboxes are at the front entrance and we have only 1 mail key which is in the possession of my husband. Of course on the day I forgot to look at the mail on the counter before he did, he found my credit card envelope.
He proceeds to firmly and pleasantly, fitting to his style of communication, question me about this unopened credit card envelope in his hands.
More lies.
I told him nonchalantly, "That’s probably just a credit card OFFER."
And he says, "I know what a credit card offer looks like, Sarah."
"No really, now they send you the card and everything. You just have to activate it if you want."

I’m sure you can see where this is heading. So my hubby opens the card only to find his SON’S SMILING FACE looking back at him. The Graham Card totally got me busted. Ok, so I couldn’t come clean on all the "fabrications" at this point because it wasn’t time for his surprise party! I tried to patch up the situation with a sweet smile and a, "I just wanted to plan our trip without you knowing the details."
Covering up the truth is absolutely exhausting. And unfortunately "cover ups" are usually not related to sweet surprise birthday parties. The news is full of sad stories of greed and moral failure with a single common thread- untruthfulness. Being untruthful can also be called more bluntly: a lie, a bald-faced lie, lying by omission, white lie, lie of necessity, emergency lie, evasion, perjury, slander, half-truth, exaggeration, stretching the truth, underestimating costs, manipulating financial statements, etc… The fine art of lying in its many different forms can be seen as an effective strategy used to gain wealth,
build social status, or even attract a special someone. Especially when it comes to money, people can rationalize just about anything. It’s amazing how many shades of "untruth" people can actually be ok with. And most of the time, it occurs with our spouse or the people closest to us.
In Proverbs 17: 19 and 20, it states that "the person who courts sin marries trouble…"
And "he who has a willful and contrary tongue will fall into calamity."
If we allow ourselves to cover up or exaggerate truth in small ways, we are courting sin and it will eventually cause a destructive end to our friendships, families, and careers. Many people daily conceal truth or exaggerate details and don’t see the problem with it. Some people even "look the other way" when they know untruthfulness has taken place. This is because being untruthfulness sears the conscious.

Thomas Jefferson said, "He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual."

Psalm 15:2 says we should, "Walk straight, act right, tell the truth."

As Christians, we should strive to be honest in our representation of the "details" in our business transactions, in our conversations about others, in why we really didn’t show up for work, etc… If we can’t be found trustworthy, who can? If we can’t be known for having integrity in our dealings with people, how can we ever expect the message of Christ to be received by us to the world? Integrity is a must.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Formula or Truth by Sarah Stephens

Today's post was written by Sarah Stephens.

Always pull the trash and recycling to the curb on Tuesdays. Splash day is every Friday; Owen needs to wear his swim suit to preschool. Always dust before you vacuum. Remember not to wear the strappy gold sandals when you have a lot of out- of- office meetings, they pinch your pinky toe.

Chances are you have a millions “lists” or “formulas” you’ve perfected over the years to help manage your family, your career, your life. We create these formulas to help us better live our lives.

When we try to make our faith journey a formula – it can lead to trouble. Instead of applying one standard of truth to every decision, we run around making up a formula that fits a million different scenarios. What’s this look like in real life?

Here’s a sampling:

· I am ok with my kids reading about vampires and werewolves, but draw the line with Harry Potter and witchcraft.

· If I read a devotional book, instead of my Bible, I still feel inspired and taught and feel like I’ve done my part.

· Pornography has no place in my home, however as a married woman if I need a little “nudge” in the way of book porn, it can’t hurt. Pictures and words are totally different. (In a business meeting once had a man tell me not all porn is created equal. It wasn’t until I stopped laughing that I realized he was serious.)

· I volunteer at my church, so giving monetarily really isn’t something I feel like is applicable in my situation.

Its exhausting work, and the scenarios never stop coming. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, there’s a brand new culture war brewing and believers are scrambling for a “formula” to fit the situation. Debates rage, opinions fly, facebook lights up with posts.

Is this the way Jesus wanted us to live? Let’s take a look at John 8:30-32.

Jesus is teaching the people gathered in and around the temple. These are the “church folk” of His day. He’s just stumped the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery, and now they are busy playing a game of “gotcha” when it comes to theology. Jesus makes a methodical case for His divinity. He’s teaching people in and around the temple. We read in verse 30 that “even as He spoke, many put their faith in Him.”

Keep reading the passage, “To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’”

Read it slowly, again. “To the Jews who believed him,” Jesus is only talking to the people who believed his testimony and accepted him as Savior and King. That’s us. He’s telling us, if you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples. You’re not going to hold onto a formula, a million different scenarios, your own understanding, but you are going to hold on to my teaching.

Here’s something important to remember, Jesus’ teachings are more than just the red letters found in the New Testament of your Bible. John tells us, “the Word became flesh,” Jesus told us (in red letters, ironically) “He came to fulfill the law not abolish it,” Jesus keeps on teaching through the Holy Spirit and sometimes in the person of Jesus, throughout the New Testament after His resurrection. Jesus’ teachings aren’t just the three years He spent on this planet, but the full gospel, Genesis to Revelations.

The Pharisees chased Jesus throughout the gospels with a million different formulas; asking Him to validate this, settle this dispute, confirm the law on this point. Sometimes we fall into the same dialogue with Him, 2,000 years later.

Today, as believers don’t physically drag a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, instead we drag a movie, a relationship, a physical attraction, an indulgence to His feet and ask Him for a ruling.

He always reminded the questioners, the crowd listening and those of us reading His words today, we don’t apply the truth one scenario at a time. We hold ourselves to His teachings all the time. We don’t ask ourselves, what should I do in this situation? Instead we ask ourselves, how should I live?

Here’s more encouragement, from Hebrews 10:16, “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” (In case you were wondering, this is in the Old Testament too, Jeremiah 31:34. Glad God covered both bases with this one.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Embracing Constant Culture Shock by Anne Tumborello

Today's post is from one of my best friends, Anne Tumborello. Her understanding of the Word and her joyful spirit inspires me each time I am with her. I am so thankful for such great friends and honored to share them with you through this blog! :)

Embracing Constant Culture Shock

In 2007 I took a team of 8 youth and 2 youth leaders on a missions trip with YWAM to Kanpur, India.  (Disclaimer before I continue:  I love India and think everyone should go there.  The people are so amazing and loving.  I would go back in a heartbeat.  To develop my point, Im only focusing on one aspect of my experience there.)

We arrived in New Delhi airport and I remember while going through customs a feeling I had never experienced before.  I had traveled to Belgium and Africa, but never felt this feeling of culture shock.  It only became worse that day.  As we claimed our bags and exchanged our money, I felt the shock more.  (Of course, I kept this feeling guarded so that the team wouldnt sense my shock...but on the inside I was freaking out.)  We left the airport and got into a crazy cab and I thought I was going to die as we drove on the roads (which apparently have no order or rules.)  We arrived at our hotel and took our bags up to these little rooms with bars on the windows and 4 locks.  Ummm, that did not make me feel safe.  After checking in, I told the team to take a nap and we would meet in an hour downstairs.  I had to pull myself together and find some comfort in this strange place.  I felt so much anxiety because I was soooo out of my comfort zone.  I decided to lay down on a mattress(as comfortable as the floor) curl up into a ball and put a blanket over my head.  I was uncomfortable.  I was in shock.  I really didnt think this was going to happen to me.  After that hour, the shock was a little more manageable, but it definitely continued the rest of the 2 weeks as I experienced the insane population density, extreme heat 110-120 degrees, chaotic roads with animals wandering everywhere, electricity going on and off, different clothes, having to purify water to drink, brushing my teeth with a few drips from a purified water bottle, new sounds, different currency, different toileting system, new smells, dirt, crazy driving, trains with holes so you can urinate while the train is traveling, internet cafes where the internet didnt work, music, food with lots of spices, no silverwear the list goes on and on.

Since I studied Social Work, this devotion will include the definition of Culture Shock A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture. Yep that was me.  I had that.

We took a train to Kanpur, which is a city rarely sees westerners.  I felt so out of place.  I tried wearing the salwar kameez womans clothing, but I still stood out with blonde hair.  I couldn't help it. I couldnt change my differences that caused me to stand out.  I was reminded every day, every moment that I was in a strange land.  

The word I can use to describe the feeling those weeks was peculiar.  I felt peculiar. (one more definition and then Im finished) 
pe·cu·liar  different from the usual or normal: odd, strange, relating to, or characteristic of another country : foreign: not native to or naturally belonging in a place : of external origin, kind, or character.

Yep me again.  I felt odd, very strange, unnatural.   Uncomfortable.

Isnt that what God calls us in relation to this land?
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: (1 Peter 2:9) 

The chosen part and royal part and holy part of this verse are so nice and easy to swallowbut he adds peculiar.

So God wants us as Christians to feel odd, strange and unnatural.
As Gods people in this land, He has given us the mission to show our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors who He is and what He is all about while feeling peculiar.

Okay, but who welcomes the idea of being peculiar?  We need to.  We need to learn to take it as a compliment.  The stares in India were not bad stares, they were some of the nicest people who were just curious because they had never seen a westerner in real life (outside of tv).

I learned to embrace the feeling of culture shock while I was in India.  It never went away.  I knew that was not my home.  

This world, our lives, our conduct,  we are only on a short mission trip.  We will feel a constant culture shock in our life here because this world is not my home.  This world is not your home.  
We are living temporarily in a foreign country until He takes us to be with Him forever.  Eternally.  That is our land of origin.  

God, may we treasure the feeling of culture shock when our loved ones, coworkers, neighbors think our actions are peculiar.  Cause us to enjoy the reminders that we stand out and different from the norm.  Please help us to remember today that this world is not our home.  When faced with decisions to fit in or not to fit in, remind us that this culture should never be our norm. Please guard us against the temptation to attempt to cover up who we are in an attempt to "fit in" with this culture.  By your grace, please allow our spirits to remain sensitive to the culture shock of wickedness and evil. May our spirits embrace the feeling of being peculiar and foreign in this land.  No matter how hard it becomes, I pray that you guard us against becoming desensitized to your way of doing things by the constant opposing messages of the culture I live in.