My heart is so full right now that I am not sure I can put clear thoughts together but there is a message I am compelled to share... so bare with me as today's post may be a little more jumbled and scattered than creative:)
"Dear God, As we look forward to loving and caring for a foster child in the future we trust you to bring the perfect fit into our home in your perfect timing."
This has been our prayer for months.
During the interview with the foster care worker, we told her we were open to fostering a baby of any gender and any race. The boys told her they wanted a baby girl to take care of. We were open to taking care of and welcoming any baby into our home but the truth came out. A little girl would be a dream come true.
For months we continued to pray that same prayer. For awhile, there were no calls.
I must admit. I was a little frustrated. I mean, here we were, willing to open our home and for months we did not get a call. I knew there were babies in shelters. I knew there was a need. Why were we not getting a child placed with us?
Then the calls started coming but we were always out of town or kinship was found, or it ended up not working out for one reason or another. Again, I was frustrated because I was looking forward to our family having this opportunity to love a child in need.
Then came Friday. I received a phone call that a precious baby girl was dropped off at the DHS office that morning and needed a home immediately. My heart leaped. A few hours later this sweet, blonde hair, blue eyed baby girl was brought to my home. She is as sweet and as beautiful as you could ever imagine.
Now, let me give you some back story.
Just four years earlier I was carrying a baby girl in my womb that went home to be with the Lord before her due date. As you can imagine, this was a very tough time for us and though God has brought much healing, we missed her greatly. The anniversary of her death is always extra tough. But not this year. The day before the anniversary of losing our precious baby girl, another precious baby, this sweet foster care baby girl, was delivered to our home. On a day that is usually filled with a knot in my stomach, a fog of heaviness and tears of pain, we were instead filled with hope and tears of joy.
This blonde haired, blue eyed little lady fit right into our hearts and our home the moment she entered. The wait was worth it. The timing could not have been more perfect. She is the perfect fit we had been praying for.
Each time we wonder if God really cares about the details of our lives, if God is really in control, if God really listens... we can look to this day, to this season and remember just how much he cares about us. About our story. About the details of our lives. He could have sent another child, a boy, another race. It could have been at another time. We were willing. We would have loved that child unconditionally.
It all would have been fine and beautiful BUT THIS child at THIS specific time... WOW. All I can say is that God know's what He is doing. He is amazing and gives me yet another reason to love Him every day.
As much as I would love to have her with us forever, when I look in her eyes I see her mom and am moved with compassion for her. Somehow I empathize for her and am moved to pray for her and the restoration of her life so that she and baby can be reunited.
So, there may be a day when this sweet girl is taken from our home to be reunited with her mom. As hard as that will be and as much as we will miss her, I can trust that God's hand is in this. His timing and plan has been perfect this far. He was attentive to the details this far and He will be again.
I will just be thankful for this beautiful season that he allowed my heart some healing from our own loss as we were able to love and be loved by this precious baby.
Around the anniversary of her death a couple years ago I wrote a blog titled, "A New Wardrobe." I encourage you to read it as it makes today's blog, and especially this next paragraph, all the more relevant. Here is the link. Just copy and paste it in your browser.
Today I did not purchase this new garment of joy. Rather it is a sweet gift from God Himself. I will place it in my spiritual wardrobe so it is ready to pulled out, and worn confidently in those times of a hardship and questioning. It will be a sweet reminder of His goodness. His faithfulness. His perfect timing. His care. HIS LOVE.
She may only live in our home for a matter of weeks, but she will live in our hearts forever... and the reminder of God's love and attention to the details of our lives through this story will forever be imprinted in our hearts through this story.
In closing, my sister-in-law shared this verse with us upon welcoming this little girl into our home. It could not be more perfect and is the perfect way to end today's blog.
Keep this story and this verse in your heart and know that God loves YOU and cares about the details of your life as well!
"Lord, ou are my God. I will exalt you and praise your name, FOR IN PERFECT FAITHFULNESS YOU HAVE DONE WONDERFUL THINGS, THINGS PLANNED LONG AGO." Isaiah 25:1
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
How inventive can you be?
When you think about the great inventions of all times, what comes to mind? When you think about the great inventors, who comes to mind?
When we think of these great inventions, we kind of marvel not only at the invention, but the inventor. I even marvel in a whole different way at the inventor of zany bands. I mean really? Ugly, cheap little bracelets that made someone, somewhere a fortune.
There are small, crazy inventions like the zany bands making millions. There are big inventions by brilliant engineers that are still not being recognized. Inventors of all kinds, both evil and pure. Crazy and brilliant. Successful and unsuccessful.
Have you ever dreamed of being a great inventor? If you had the resources to create anything, what would it be? Wouldn't it be really great to come up with some amazing invention that was life changing for all who received it? You know what, you can. Just keep reading. :)
A couple weeks ago I read an interesting translation of a Bible verse that I cannot seem to stop thinking about. It got my head going on this whole "invent" topic and inspired me to become an inventor.
Hebrews 10:22-25 So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
I may not be able to invent the next greatest form of social networking, or a cure to cancer, or a double sided gun (Lofton's idea:)), but "invent ways to encourage love and help out"? THIS I can do!
I can visit the elderly lady at church that is no longer able to get out of the house. I don't need to make it something long or elaborate but I can stop by for 30 minutes to let her know I care.
I can call or send a note to someone who needs encouragement.
I can attend a benefit dinner for someone in need.
I can open my home and heart to friends and strangers.
I can choose to be patient with someone who is driving me crazy.
I can choose not to judge, but rather love!
I can take cookies to some one.
I can get on the floor and play Legos :)
I can choose to believe the best in people and therefor, treat them with honor.
I can speak words of encouragement.
I can forgive (and perhaps even forget) those things big and small that have caused a rift in a relationship and step out once again to try to mend the broken relationship.
Today, and every day, invent love at home.
Tomorrow and the next day, invent love for a neighbor or friend.
Next week, focus on inventing love at church and work.
Next month, invent love in your community and abroad.
It is my prayer that very soon, inventing love will be an everyday practice, a habit in my life, that I cannot break. A habit that impacts my family, friends, neighbors, church, community and beyond. Let's share this incredible invention with the World!
You with me? How inventive can you be?
When we think of these great inventions, we kind of marvel not only at the invention, but the inventor. I even marvel in a whole different way at the inventor of zany bands. I mean really? Ugly, cheap little bracelets that made someone, somewhere a fortune.
There are small, crazy inventions like the zany bands making millions. There are big inventions by brilliant engineers that are still not being recognized. Inventors of all kinds, both evil and pure. Crazy and brilliant. Successful and unsuccessful.
Have you ever dreamed of being a great inventor? If you had the resources to create anything, what would it be? Wouldn't it be really great to come up with some amazing invention that was life changing for all who received it? You know what, you can. Just keep reading. :)
But first, what is the greatest invention ever? Who is the inventor?
I can think of only one invention that
...has the ability to be demonstrated in countless forms.
...has the power to heal and change lives.
...And that no matter how old, or how many attempts, it never fails and never runs out!
In my estimation, the greatest inventor of all times is God and though He created the heavens, the earth, all living creatures, and so much more... His greatest invention is love.
In fact when He wanted a new way to demonstrate that love, He got inventive again and sent His son.
A couple weeks ago I read an interesting translation of a Bible verse that I cannot seem to stop thinking about. It got my head going on this whole "invent" topic and inspired me to become an inventor.
Hebrews 10:22-25 So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
I may not be able to invent the next greatest form of social networking, or a cure to cancer, or a double sided gun (Lofton's idea:)), but "invent ways to encourage love and help out"? THIS I can do!
I can visit the elderly lady at church that is no longer able to get out of the house. I don't need to make it something long or elaborate but I can stop by for 30 minutes to let her know I care.
I can call or send a note to someone who needs encouragement.
I can attend a benefit dinner for someone in need.
I can open my home and heart to friends and strangers.
I can choose to be patient with someone who is driving me crazy.
I can choose not to judge, but rather love!
I can take cookies to some one.
I can get on the floor and play Legos :)
I can choose to believe the best in people and therefor, treat them with honor.
I can speak words of encouragement.
I can forgive (and perhaps even forget) those things big and small that have caused a rift in a relationship and step out once again to try to mend the broken relationship.
There are countless demonstrations of love all throughout His Word, with the death of Jesus on the cross reigning at the top of that list! But I want to point out one particular passage in the Word that gives us clear, practical advice of how to demonstrate love. It is known as "the love chapter"and can be found in 1 Corinthians 13. I suggest reading the chapter in a few different versions to get an even greater understanding and to get those creative juices flowing.
Also, Galatians tells us to "be mindful of being a blessing to others". In other words, think about ways, invent ways, to show love to others.
It takes thought and perhaps even a little creativity but let's begin to invent our own ways to share God's love with those around us every single day.
Today, and every day, invent love at home.
Tomorrow and the next day, invent love for a neighbor or friend.
Next week, focus on inventing love at church and work.
Next month, invent love in your community and abroad.
It is my prayer that very soon, inventing love will be an everyday practice, a habit in my life, that I cannot break. A habit that impacts my family, friends, neighbors, church, community and beyond. Let's share this incredible invention with the World!
You with me? How inventive can you be?
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Worry Free by Valencia Harvey
“Mama, you’re doing it again! You’re grinding your teeth. Stop it, Ma!” Mama turned around as if suddenly interrupted out of a realm of dark, worry-filled thoughts. She smiled sheepishly. Discreetly I watched her put up a mental fight to resist a familiar habit of slipping quietly into that far away, stressful world. It was then that I was instantly reminded of a nature film I once watched. In the film, the narrator said that elephants have the make up to live much longer than they do, but due to their teeth wearing down and falling out, they slowly starve to death. Lord, I don’t want that to be my mother’s fate. She has got to stop grinding those teeth! Hmmmmm. I better see when her last dentist appointment was.But seriously, all kidding aside, the issue is not the grinding; but rather the source of the grinding. Worry. Jesus commanded us in John 14, “Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid…” If Christ would take the time to tell us not to worry, then we have the ABILITY and the WHEREWITHAL to be successful at obeying Him in this. Unfortunately, we look at this scripture as a suggestion and a helpful tip rather than what it is in truth–a command!
And I’m not casting judgment upon my mother because I for one have been guilty of worry. Did you know worry is a sin?Worry is our way of telling the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the Master Orchestrator, that we do not trust His way or His timing…that He’s moving dreadfully slow and that we have things to do, places to be; so hop to it, or we’ll take the reins. But as Jeremy Pearsons says, “As long as you’re working (striving, stressing), grace is not.” I don’t know about you, but I want the grace of God to work on my behalf every moment of the day. If you have found yourself worrying, wringing your hands, pacing the floor at night (or during the day for that matter), releasing a string of obscenities, pulling out your hair–shall I go on?–YOU ARE NOT walking in his grace. We access grace through faith. Yes, just like we did at salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are you saved THROUGH FAITH not of yourselves, it is a GIFT of God not of WORKS lest any man should BOAST.” The Apostle Paul said, “Grow in grace.” He even went on to say, “He gives abundant grace.” Let’s make a conscientious decision to partake DAILY of His grace. If you are striving; stop it! You may say, “I don’t know how.” Good, so now grace can step in. Get out of the way and by faith call on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Teacher and the Guide, to come along side of you to show you how to ENTER into REST. Enter into TRUST. Enter into Grace for today. Remember, His grace is sufficient for you! His grace is MORE THAN ENOUGH!
For more on Walking in Grace, check out Jeremy Pearsons on during March 4-8 and March 11-15 of this year in the media archives. The revelation is liberating! Enjoy and apply!
And I’m not casting judgment upon my mother because I for one have been guilty of worry. Did you know worry is a sin?Worry is our way of telling the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the Master Orchestrator, that we do not trust His way or His timing…that He’s moving dreadfully slow and that we have things to do, places to be; so hop to it, or we’ll take the reins. But as Jeremy Pearsons says, “As long as you’re working (striving, stressing), grace is not.” I don’t know about you, but I want the grace of God to work on my behalf every moment of the day. If you have found yourself worrying, wringing your hands, pacing the floor at night (or during the day for that matter), releasing a string of obscenities, pulling out your hair–shall I go on?–YOU ARE NOT walking in his grace. We access grace through faith. Yes, just like we did at salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are you saved THROUGH FAITH not of yourselves, it is a GIFT of God not of WORKS lest any man should BOAST.” The Apostle Paul said, “Grow in grace.” He even went on to say, “He gives abundant grace.” Let’s make a conscientious decision to partake DAILY of His grace. If you are striving; stop it! You may say, “I don’t know how.” Good, so now grace can step in. Get out of the way and by faith call on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Teacher and the Guide, to come along side of you to show you how to ENTER into REST. Enter into TRUST. Enter into Grace for today. Remember, His grace is sufficient for you! His grace is MORE THAN ENOUGH!
For more on Walking in Grace, check out Jeremy Pearsons on during March 4-8 and March 11-15 of this year in the media archives. The revelation is liberating! Enjoy and apply!
And a quote I posted (sort of a food for thought to encourage towards 2013 goals)
Are You Ready for a Courage Test?–Las Vegas exists not because of the winners but because of the losers. Think about it. When people go to Vegas they say, “I have $500 I can afford to loose,” and therefore, they produce that financial equivalent–loss. Why don’t they say, “I have $500 or $10,000 with which to win”? Because they see themselves loosing and so that’s what they manifest. Are you placing limitations upon yourself? In casinos, you will see $5 chip players and then a few feet down from them $500 chip players. The cards are the same; the courage is different.” Mr. Holton Buggs, VP of Sales Organo Gold
Question: What is your courage level? Let’s do a check up from the neck up. Can you turn that courageous desire into your pre-determined financial equivalent? As Mr. Holton Buggs would say, “You don’t get what you want; you get what you picture. And I can tell what you are picturing by listening to what you are saying, for you cannot speak contradictory to what you picture.”
Question: What is your courage level? Let’s do a check up from the neck up. Can you turn that courageous desire into your pre-determined financial equivalent? As Mr. Holton Buggs would say, “You don’t get what you want; you get what you picture. And I can tell what you are picturing by listening to what you are saying, for you cannot speak contradictory to what you picture.”
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Being Willing and Obedient Yields Results by Valencia Anderson
“God will not advance instruction for your life beyond your last act of disobedience. Slow obedience is still disobedience.” Ouch! Today I was listening–on cassette tape if you can believe it–to Pastor John Osteen. He shared about a time in his life when he was zig-zagging throughout the globe as a world evangelist preaching to crowds in the upwards of 15,000s and 20,000s when seemingly out of the blue, God interrupted his life and said, “It is my will that you return to Houston and pastor the tin barn church.” He was shocked! Undoubtedly, it was humbling to return from such massive crowds to a fledgling band of 80 people. He obeyed…sort of. And for two years, nothing significant happened in Osteen’s life and ministry. He really struggled. Pastor John went on to say the struggle was largely due to his unwilling heart. While he had physicallyleft the world stage, his heart had not left yet. He was going through the “motions” of obedience; but privately, in the secret recesses of his heart, he questioned God’s infinite wisdom and His divine plan. It just didn’t make any sense to the natural mind. Why would God demand such a great sacrifice? But when your life is ALL His, God can require what He wants. Like Pastor John, the greatest revelation I have ever grasped is that God is much smarter and much wiser than me. You may be nodding your head in agreement, but does your heart know that truth? And is it played out in your day-to-day actions?
Eventually, the mental tug-o-war took its toll and he decided after several modifications to God’s original instruction to cease with the negotiations and proposals. He decided to go “whole hog” and fully yield. Soon the pressure began to lift and the favor of the Lord began to rise upon John’s life and ministry. How could Pastor John had known that God was shifting him to the largest world stage he had ever known? This mighty man of God did so much for advancing the gospel to the nations. He sowed millions of dollars into the work of the Lord and equally led millions to Christ.
Sometimes you think you’re going backwards, but if God has spoken and you have a clear word, He may just take you “down” to bring you ‘up’ and He may take you “out” so He can bring you ‘in’ to your inheritance. Trust Him. Stop kicking and fighting, but yield to His leading. The Apostle Paul said in Acts 26:14, “We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’” But after he became willing, we see a life well lived as well as his heart transformation in Acts 26:19 when it says,”I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” An unwilling heart brings sustained hinderance and drudgery, but obedience brings sustained results. Remember God ALWAYS sees the BIGGER picture. Let’s trust His view.
Kind regards,
Valencia Anderson
Kind regards,
Valencia Anderson
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Is it Time to Change the Filter? by Paula Roach
The red eared sliders are really cute. They are still just little babies and will actually eat out of our hands. As cute as they are, my affection for them is slowly dieing and the experience of feeding the turtles and playing with the turtles has been spoiled by a very unpleasant scent. As the scent has grown stronger there is now debris and cloudy water. Within a matter of a few weeks the environment of the turtle habitat has completely changed and turtle ownership is no longer a pleasant experience.
The product of the environment has made it quite clear that the time to change the filter in the aquarium is past due.
A filter is a device used for removing, obstructing or eliminating. It's purpose in the aquarium is to provide the best living environment for the turtles (and owners.). A filter for water provides the healthiest water. A filter in our air conditioner provides clean air and a more efficient system.
Sometimes it becomes obvious it is time to change the filter in our own lives simply by taking a look at our environment and experiences!
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I experiencing growth in my relationship with the Lord?
Am I becoming more like Him?
What is my thought life like? What are my attitudes and words like?
Am I experiencing the full, joyful, abundant life promised in the Word of God?
If we are not pleased with our answers, perhaps it's time to take a look at our filter. Do I filter choices through my own thoughts and ideas, others, or am I allowing the Word of God to be my filter?
Take a look at your environment and experiences. Is it time to change the filter?
Take a look at your environment and experiences. Is it time to change the filter?
As you navigate answers to some of the gray areas of life, consider the Word of God as your filter and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you into the abundant life promised.
Gray Area Filter Questions
The following is a series of Biblical principles with which to “filter” gray areas and determine whether or not to participate.
Principle of Excess…Do I need this? Heb. 12:1 “Lay aside every weight that does easily beset us…”
Principle of Expedience…Does it have a positive effect? 1 Cor. 6:12 “All things are lawful…but not all things are expedient.” Is this going to help me?
Principle of Emulation…Is this what Jesus would do? Can I truly see Christ doing this? 1 John 2:6 “If we say we abide in Him, we ought also to walk as He walked.”
Principle of Evangelism…If I do this, is it going to enhance my testimony to a non-believer? Col. 4:5 “Walk in wisdom towards those who are outside.”
Principle of Edification…Will it build me up? Having done this, will I be a stronger Christian?
There are few things in life that are truly neutral: 1 Cor. 10:23 “All things are lawful…but all things are not that which builds me up.”
Principle of Exaltation…If I do this, will it exalt the Lord? 1 Cor. 10:31 “Whatsoever you do…whether you eat or drink…do it all for the glory of God.”
Principle of Example…If I do this, will it set the right pattern of example for my Christian brothers and sisters? Would it be an act of love towards them? Rom. 14:13 “Don’t do anything to make him stumble.” 1 Cor. 8:13 “Eat nothing that would cause your brother to stumble.”Divine Insight by Valencia Anderson
Good Morning! It's been some time since I have posted anything but I have a dear friend, Valencia Anderson, who wrote something I wanted to share with you all. So, here it is...
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment."~ Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor
Never forget this truth: "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
Have you ever looked at an image; yet was unable to accurately process what you saw? You looked, yet nothing registered. NOTHING. And while your physical eye was taking in an image, your brain somehow was unable to interpret what it was that you actually saw? Maybe the image was gruesome and so your brain --completely unprepared to digest that picture--refused to compute it?
I don't know what you're looking at right now. An empty pocketbook? A negative bank account? A betrayal or broken dreams? But I will tell you this: it's not what happens to us that shapes us but how we choose to respond to what happens to us that makes the difference. As Pastor Joel Osteen is quoted for saying,"Be a victor not a victim." You get to decide. Do you esteem your pain and disappointments over and above your forward progress? The word "esteem" means to to highly regard, to regard highly or favorably. What you focus on will expand. Thus, if within your mind's eye you have conditioned yourself to see only defeat, misery and additional disappointments, then no matter how glaringly obvious opportunity and favor are, you WILL NOT SEE IT! However, if you intentionally begin a reconditioning program in which you dutifully begin to "wash your mind" with new thoughts--I highly recommend the Bible--you will begin to experience transformation. Romans 12:2 says, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." The word transform means: "to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose." Furthermore, it means: "to change in condition, nature, or character; convert."
Even if the change is slow at first. It's still change. It might be slow, but it will be sure and rock solid if you'll stick with it!
Like Marcus Aurelius said--and I am paraphrasing for emphasis--you have the power to revoke or take back your divine perspective at any moment. The choice is yours and mine. And when you take it back, it is amazing--even miraculous--how much you can "see"...opportunities that were right within your sphere all along waiting for you to seize them!
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